Ok, I guess I am a full-fledged Doctor Who geek. I just can't get enough of that show. I suppose it really isn't a big surprise that I like it. It's all about magic and adventure and it's sort of a fairy tale in a way.
For the past week, I have been working on my second Doctor Who fan art. This time, just with the Eleventh Doctor. I may do one in the future with just his companion, Amy Pond, but I'm taking things one step at a time. I found out that I wouldn't be working until June, so this gave me some extra time to just mess around with my watercolors.
I decided to try and not use any line work on this one. Don't really know if I was successful in that. I still think it looks kind of messy. But then again, nothing is ever perfect in my opinion. I am, however, happy that this piece actually looks like the Eleventh doctor. I actually looked through my Doctor Who Magazine that I bought for photo references. Technically, I used photo references the last time, but I just don't think I was as into it as I was here. I came up with the pose and used my characteristic style. I think I mentioned here before that I tend to stretch figures out when I draw them. Well, in this case, that actually works because the actor who plays Doctor Who, Matt Smith, is actually a tall, lanky, clumsy (said with endearment of course) fellow. Some areas look awkward, but that almost sort of works.
But at least I got his face mostly correct. He has a very difficult face to draw. Deep-set eyes, angular jaw bone...I must have erased and re-drawn his eyes a hundred times.
And a little side note for those who don't know. Jammy Dodgers are cookies, or biscuits from England. They're like sandwich cookies with jam filling and you eat them with tea. I had no idea what they were before watching this show, but now I think I must find them. And for non-who nerds, the Daleks are the things in the sky behind The Doctor. They are his arch enemies.
Well, don't I feel even more dorky now.
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Sunday, May 9, 2010
The Fairy of the Bleeding Hearts
Sounds a lot creepier than it actually is...in fact, it's not really creepy at all.
Anyway, This fairy has been my project for all of last week. It was my Mother's Day gift for my mom, since she's always been my biggest fan. Isn't that true of all good moms?
I knew that for a Mother's Day gift, I wanted it to be something flowery and Springy. My mom is an avid gardener. A few weeks ago, I was out in the yard and noticed that the bleeding heart flowers were just beginning to bloom. Bleeding hearts are probably my second favorite flower, next to poppies (which are also just starting to bloom in our yard). I decided that bleeding hearts would be the basis of my painting, so I took some photos, as I like to do.
Anyway, This fairy has been my project for all of last week. It was my Mother's Day gift for my mom, since she's always been my biggest fan. Isn't that true of all good moms?
I knew that for a Mother's Day gift, I wanted it to be something flowery and Springy. My mom is an avid gardener. A few weeks ago, I was out in the yard and noticed that the bleeding heart flowers were just beginning to bloom. Bleeding hearts are probably my second favorite flower, next to poppies (which are also just starting to bloom in our yard). I decided that bleeding hearts would be the basis of my painting, so I took some photos, as I like to do.
for me, and for most illustrators, I think photo references are essential! Very few people have picture dictionaries in their heads. I definitely don't. Flowers are one of the big things I like to get pictures of if I'm going to do an illustration with them in it. There are so many little details and nuances in flowers. And plus, you don't want them all to look like the same flower. Flowers, love them, love to draw and paint them, but I will agree that they are a pain in the bum!
After thinking of the flower, I thought of fairies. I used to put fairies in EVERYTHING I drew! I was so into them back in High School. Those were some of my mom's favorite drawings of mine. So I thought adding a fairy was a nice touch. Plus, she could be the Fairy of the Bleeding Hearts.
I started out with a rough sketch in my sketchbook ( I don't have a photo of that, at the moment), and then moved on to the watercolor paper. I, once again, should have used nicer paper, but surprisingly, the paper didn't warp much at all, once paint was added. I didn't do a base coat of a wet-in-wet for this piece because it wasn't going to be covering the white of the paper completely. I believe this is it for Day 1. Doesn't look like much, eh?
Day 2, 3, and 4 combined. I fixed her face to make her a little more dainty and pixie-like. I noticed that I always draw people (or human-like characters) extremely tall and lanky. It may look stylistic, and it is, sort of, but I'd like to draw a proportionate person at some point. I think it may be due to the angle at which I view the paper when I draw.
also Day 4...added paint to the flowers...the most dreaded part. I had my picture out, studying every detail. I still think it needs a lot of work (even in it's finished state).

the finished product:
Of course, I altered it a little in Photoshop...just for color and lighting and cropping. The quality still bothers me. We will be getting a scanner sometime soon. And yes, my mom loved the painting!
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